terms and conditions

Last Updated: Nov 13 2022

1. Our Contract

By booking a tour with us you agree to the following outlined Booking Terms and Conditions.

2. Release & Assumption of Risk

There are some unavoidable risks associated with travel. We pride ourselves on the places we visit, our partners, and the itineraries we’ve created for you. But, you recognize that international travel may be unpredictable, and that our responsibilities are limited. 

Although we scout each location; partner with awesome, knowledgeable partners; and take appropriate care in curating each itinerary; we cannot guarantee any less risk than you might experience on your own. That means that, while we cannot guarantee your safety or your belongings, we promise to be upfront with you about where we’re planning on going and who we partner with. And, we promise to be available in case you need us. But, we expect—and you agree—that you will be responsible for your well-being.

You accept that, this booking may include various activities, risks, and hazards, including form of travel, living conditions and foods, lodging, exploration of unfamiliar and/or foreign locations, cultural interactions and close-quarter conditions, medical risks, limited medical care and support, differing weather conditions and altitudes, various climates and environments, and other such risks;

In making a booking and paying a deposit, you accept and assume foreseeable risks associated, and agree to hold harmless Girls Trip Tours and its Team from any liability, actions, causes of action, debts, claims, and demands of any kind which you now have or which may arise out of or in connection with the booking.

This agreement is a release and assumption of risk for you, your family or heirs, and any executors and administrators. 

3. Acceptance of Booking and Complete Payments

On acceptance of your booking a contract will exist between us from the date we issue the confirmation invoice. If you book within 90 days of departure, the contract will exist when we accept your payment. If payment is not paid on or before the due date, we reserve the right to treat your booking as canceled;

4. Prices and Surcharges

Our prices are subject to variable and seasonal pricing. This means our tour prices may vary at any time in accordance with demand, market conditions and availability. Your best option if you like the price you see is to book at that time. If you wish to cancel your booking to take advantage of a cheaper price, full cancellation conditions apply.

5. Your Details

In order for us to confirm your travel arrangements you must provide all requested details. Necessary details vary by tour; they include but are not limited to your full name as written on your passport, date of birth, and any pre-existing medical conditions you have which may affect your ability to complete the tour. Travelers will be required to agree to these Terms and Conditions before they are able to complete their purchase.

There are a number of documents you will need for each destination. Some of these are legal requirements, and others are required by the Girls Trip Tours team. We can help identify the ones you may need, but ultimately the responsibility for gathering them is yours.

You must have a valid passport and, depending on your place of departure and the destination, a visa, permits, certificates, and proof of vaccination(s). (You will also ensure that your passport will remain valid through all relevant times you are traveling with us.) These requirements are your responsibility. Any information or advice given by us regarding visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage, special equipment, etc. is purely advisory and provided as a courtesy. Girls Trip Tours is not responsible for any errors or omissions as to any such information provided.

We require proof of insurance at least 45 days before the start date or one week after the date of booking (whichever is latest). We will work with you to help you identify these documents, but failure to provide these documents may result in cancellation of your booking without refund. 

6. Cancellation by the Traveler

If you cancel some or all portions of your booking, cancellation fees will apply. A cancellation will only be effective when we receive written confirmation of the cancellation.

If you cancel your booking:

• 90 days or more prior to departure, we will retain 50% of the total booking cost (after the deposit, which is non-refundable); 

•between 89 and 31 days before your scheduled Start Date, a travel credit to be used on future trips may be requested, which will be valid for up to 12 months.

• less than 30 days before your scheduled Start Date, bookings are non-refundable.

If you leave a tour for any reason after it has commenced, we are not obliged to make any refunds for unused services. If you fail to join a tour, join it after departure, or leave it prior to its completion, no refund will be made.

7. Cancellation By Girls Trip Tours

Girls Trip Tours may cancel a tour at any time up to 60 days before departure, subject to clause 13. We may cancel a tour at any time prior to departure due to terrorism, natural disasters, political instability or other external events. If we cancel your tour, you can transfer amounts paid to an alternate departure date or receive a full refund. In circumstances where the cancellation is due to external events outside our control, refunds will be less any unrecoverable costs. Girls Trip Tours is not responsible for any incidental expenses that you may have incurred because of your booking, including but not limited to visas, vaccinations, travel insurance excess or non-refundable flights.

9. Exclusions

The price of your package does not include:

• International or internal flights unless specified in your tour itinerary;

• Airport transfers, taxes and excess baggage charges unless specified in your tour itinerary;

• Meals other than those specified in your selected tour itinerary;

• Passport and/or visa fees;

• Travel insurance;

• Optional activities and all personal or incidental expenses not specified;

10. Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is mandatory for all our travelers and should be taken out at the time of booking. Your travel insurance must provide cover against personal accident, death, medical expenses and emergency repatriation.

Late flights, last-minute changes, sickness, or other unforeseen life events: they happen to all of us. When they conflict with a Girls Trip Tours booking, we are not obligated to alter any itinerary or suspend, change, or postpone a tour; nor can we offer discounts or refunds. Travel insurance is a good way to minimize this risk. Although we require you to purchase travel insurance, the provider is up to you.

11. Minimum Group Size Requirement

The minimum group size for any tour is 8 adults. Should this tour not meet the minimum group size requirement, the traveler may request a refund or book on another scheduled tour.

12. Change of Itinerary

You appreciate and acknowledge that the nature of this type of travel requires considerable flexibility and you should allow for alternatives. The itinerary provided for each tour is representative of the types of activities contemplated, but it is understood that the route, schedules, itineraries, amenities and mode of transport may be subject to alteration without prior notice due to local circumstances or events.

While Girls Trip Tours aims to operate this tour as described, we reserve the right to change the tour itinerary. Please refer to the Girls Trip Tours website or email communications before departure for the most recent updates to your itinerary;

Before departure: If Girls Trip Tours makes a major change to the itinerary, we will inform you as soon as reasonably possible.

After departure: Girls Trip Tours reserves the right to change an itinerary after departure due to local circumstances, weather or events outside of our control. In such emergency circumstances, Girls Trip Tours will aim to accommodate travelers at the same or similar standard of the purchased itinerary;

13. Force Majeure

A Force Majeure is commonly referred to as an “Act of God.”

To the extent that any action by Girls Trip Tours is delayed or canceled due to a Force Majeure occurrence, Girls Trip Tours has not breached this agreement and is not responsible for any damage you may incur. Specifically, “Force Majeure occurrence” means any circumstances beyond Girls Trip Tours’ reasonable control, including without limitation acts of nature, terrorist activities, insurrection, explosion, flood, earthquake, tempest, forceful wind, fire or accident, war or threat of war declared or undeclared, sabotage, civil disturbance, labor strikes, requisition, pandemics, sickness, quarantine, government intervention, weather conditions, and unforeseen circumstances.

If Girls Trip Tours or any vendor, supplier, or similar third party engaged by Girls Trip Tours are affected by a Force Majeure occurrence, Girls Trip Tours and any such third party is entitled to, and may in Girls Trip Tours’ sole discretion, vary or cancel any itinerary or arrangement in relation to the itinerary without any obligation or liability.

14. Limitation of Liability

Girls Trip Tours contracts with a network of companies, government agencies and individuals to assist in the running of our tours as agents for these third parties. Girls Trip Tours is not responsible for the acts and omissions of these third parties;

To the fullest extent permitted by law:

• any liability for any loss, death, injury or damage which you may suffer (directly or indirectly) in connection with or arising out of your participation in a tour, or any breach of the Booking Terms and Conditions, is excluded;

• you release us and our employees, agents and representatives from any liability and expressly waive any claims you may have against us arising out of or in connection with your participation in a tour;

15. Optional Activities

If you pursue optional activities that are not included in the tour price, they do not form part of the tour or this contract. The contract for the provision of any optional activity will be between you and the activity provider you select.

16. Claims and Complaints

If you have a complaint about your trip, please inform the travel team on the tour as soon as you have a complaint so that they can attempt to rectify the matter. If satisfaction is not reached through these means, then any further complaint should be put in writing to us within 30 days of the end of the tour;

17. Health Requirements

Medical care is different around the world. We will do our best to assist in the event of any medical issue, but we are relying on you to let us know of potential issues and, should you have an issue, you agree that we are not responsible. Because of the costs of medical care, we require all of our travelers to obtain travel medical insurance.

Medical care—and access to medical care—may be different from what you are accustomed to. If you have any conditions or disabilities that we should be informed of, please let us know in advance so that we can help you obtain appropriate accommodations or take appropriate steps in case of need.

In booking an itinerary, you acknowledge that they may:

·  Occur in remote locations, isolated or removed from medical care facilities, or otherwise lacking access to medical care.

·  Occur in places with different medical facilities and standards of care from those you are accustomed to -- Girls Trip Tours makes no representations or warranties relating to any necessary medical facilities or standards of care.

You accept and assume foreseeable risks associated with medical care and access to medical care. You agree to hold harmless Girls Trip Tours and its Team from any liability, actions, causes of action, debts, claims, and demands of any kind which you now have or which may arise out of or in connection with the itinerary together with all releases, waivers assumptions of risk, limitations of liability, and assumptions of risk found in this Agreement, absolve Girls Trip Tours of any liability associated with any such risks and dangers, and are responsible for all costs of any medical care and related costs that are provided to you during the itinerary.

Some of our itinerary may require a certain level of fitness or abilities. In booking an itinerary and placing a deposit, you state that you:

·  are sufficiently healthy to participate in the itinerary;

·  have not been informed by any medical professional that you should not travel or participate in activities like those on the itinerary;

·  are aware of no physical or mental condition that would create a hazard for you or others, or affect other people’s enjoyment of the trip.

Should you have any concerns about your ability to participate, let us know and we will do our best to work on something together. We may require a medical certificate under certain circumstances, but we will treat any such information you provide as confidential and private. We are not medical experts and rely on you to ensure the accuracy of any such information you provide.

Girls Trip Tours reserves the right to refuse or cancel any booking in the event of a medical condition that would make your participation a hazard for you or others, or for any other legal reason. 

18. Suppliers’ Conditions

Girls Trip Tours sometimes works with other companies in designing itineraries. Although we work hard to ensure a safe journey for our travelers, we cannot control those companies we work with and cannot be responsible for their actions.

Girls Trip Tours acts as an agent for transport companies, hotels and other partners and contractors and is not responsible for any injury, damage, loss, delay or irregularity that may occur when using the products, services, or accommodations of any supplier, or due to the negligence, recklessness, omission, oversight, inaction, or other fault of any such supplier, including, but not limited to, any defect in a vehicle or any other form of conveying a traveler, acts of God, detention, delays or expenses arising from quarantine, strike, riots, theft, civil disturbance, government restriction or regulation, accident by aircraft, boat, bicycle, motor vehicle or any other form of transport, or in any hotel or guest house, hostel, or other form of accommodation. 

The quality of the products, services, and accommodations organized by Girls Trip Tours are not within the control of Girls Trip Tours, and the quality of such products, services, and accommodations may be compromised by local conditions. You therefore release Girls Trip Tours from all claims and causes of action arising from any damage, loss of enjoyment, inconvenience, or injuries related to the quality of such products, accommodations, and services. 

Airlines, transportation services, shipping companies, hotels, and other common carriers and suppliers have their own booking conditions or conditions of carriage.  You will be bound by these conditions or conditions. Girls Trip Tours’ own liability is limited to and shall not exceed that of its suppliers. You agree that, if you recover for any damages from the suppliers, you will not seek any recovery for the same damages from Girls Trip Tours.

19. Photography and Image Release

Any photographs taken during the tour may be used for marketing purposes and/or social media distribution and are not subject to any royalties or rights fees. Should you wish to opt out of this clause, please indicate as such during the registration process.

20. Severability

In the event that any term or condition contained in these Booking Terms and Conditions is unenforceable or void by operation of law or as being against public policy or for any other reason, then such term or condition shall be deemed to be severed from this contract or amended accordingly only to such extent necessary to allow all remaining terms and conditions to survive and continue as binding.

21. Privacy Policy

Any personal information that Girls Trip Tours collects about you may be used for any purpose associated with the operation of a tour or to send you marketing material. The information may be disclosed to our agents, service providers or other suppliers to enable us to operate the tour. Girls Trip Tours will otherwise treat your details with care and discretion to the best of our ability.

22. Authority during tours

You agree to abide by the authority of the travel team or other Girls Trip Tours representatives at all times. Should you fail to do so, or, in the opinion of the travel team, local providers or other Girls Trip Tours representatives, endanger, distress or harass others, we may immediately terminate your booking without a refund or other liability.

23. Contact Details

